post-title Workers in Los Cabos continue to clean up after Lidia

Workers in Los Cabos continue to clean up after Lidia

Workers in Los Cabos continue to clean up after Lidia

Workers in Cabo San Lucas and the Los Cabos region continue to clean up after Tropical Storm Lidia.

UPDATE: September 03, 2017, 06:10 PM MST

Today I drove from downtown Cabo San Lucas, along the Tourist Corridor, to Costco and back again to Cabo. Again I am very impressed with the rapid pace of the clean up efforts. The corridor area will still need more cleanup, repairs, and rebuilding, but the work has begun and you can at least get our of the downtown area. Please be advised that traffic is moving very slowly in the areas where cleanup is the most intense.







Costco is open for business (03 September 2017). There is private security personnel on the property for every ones safety. The normal entrance is currently closed. The temporary entrance is the old exit road to the west of the Costco Los Cabos building.


View of stalled traffic in front of costco-los-cabos-03-sept

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