standard-title Phones

Telephone and Cell Phone Service

Cabo San Lucas, San José del Cabo, Los Cabos, Baja California Sur, México

New Telephone Dialing Information

History of Changes in the Los Cabos area.

Area Code Changes 2001
Effective November 17, 2001, the area codes for all of Mexico have changed. The area code for the Los Cabos area of Baja California Sur will be (624). The phone numbers in this site are being updated, but it will take some time to complete.

April 2000 Changes
The telephone numbers for most of Baja California Sur have changed to a new 7 digit number. The phone numbers in this site are being updated, but it will take some time to complete. Here are the changes.

When dialing a local number in the Los Cabos area, you will need to ad “14” before the normal 5 digit telephone number. If the telephoine number is “3-xx-xx” the new number would be “143-xxxx”. To dial long distance from Cabo to San José or vice versa, you would dial (01) and then the number. Dialing to the Los Cabos Area from the USA or Canada would be the same as before.

Calls made to Los Cabos from outside of Mexico

Dialing sequence prior to November 17, 2001
011+52+(1)+ 7 digit local phone number – 011+52+ (1) 143-1346 (Los Cabos Guide office)

Dialing sequence AFTER November 17, 2001
011+52+(624)+ 7 digit local phone number – 011+52+ (624) 143-1346 (Los Cabos Guide office)

Calls made to Los Cabos from other cities within Mexico
Dialing sequence prior to November 17, 2001
01+(1)+ 7 digit local phone number – 01+(1) 143-1346 (Los Cabos Guide office)

Dialing sequence AFTER November 17, 2001
01+(624)+ 7 digit local phone number – 01+ (624) 143-1346 (Los Cabos Guide office)

April 2000 Changes
The telephone numbers for most of Baja California Sur have changed to a new 7 digit number. The phone numbers in this site are being updated, but it will take some time to complete.

Here are the changes.

When dialing a local number in the Los Cabos area, you will need to ad “14” before the normal 5 digit telephone number. If the telephoine number is “3-xx-xx” the new number would be “143-xxxx”. To dial long distance from Cabo to San José or vice versa, you would dial (01) and then the number. Dialing to the Los Cabos Area from the USA or Canada would be the same as before.

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