standard-title San Bartolo

San Bartolo

La Paz, Baja California Sur, México

Location: 87 kilometers south of La Paz, it is 380 meters high and has an approximate population of 800 habitants. Or if you come from Los Cabos following the Transpeninsular road to the north, once you have passed Cabo del Este you cross a stream that marks the start of the ascent to the Sierra de La Laguna we will find San Bartolo, a picturesque little town Belonging to the Municipality of La Paz.
The place is suitable for camping or outdoor activities, thanks to its predominant mild climate.

San Bartolo in an important proportion lives on the step of travelers who make a stopover to enjoy a rich meal in their restaurants, while taking advantage to buy from the great variety of fruit products that are made there: dulce de pitaya, guayabate And mángate, stuffed empanadas and preserves in syrup. San Bartolo has different attractions, down here a stream that almost all the time has water, and that is why there are so many orchards with different fruit trees such as mango, lemon, squash, guava and thanks to this variety of fruits San Bartolo has rooted and a beautiful tradition that are the preserved fruits and production of homemade sweets.

When you pass by here try to leave very early to start your day with a ranchero breakfast with regional food of the area, enjoy the traditional burritos of machaca, meat pies with refried beans and fresh cheese. And do not forget to accompany your delicious breakfast with the famous coffee of Talega.

church-san-bartolo-baja-9486-2San Bartolo is a scenic tropical village, complete with thatched roof homes, 10 miles north of Los Barriles as you begin your climb into the hills. This is a great place to stop and buy mangos, avocados, locally made candies and some of the most incredible of the local treats, fruit filled empanadas. A large, spring fed, arroyo runs along the base of the valley, and provides this pleasant town with a bountiful supply of fresh water. The locality is distinguished by its great variety, and in the sale of regional sweets, and especially the regional food of burritos of machaca, meat pies with red chile, tamales, seasonal fruits, and others.

San Bartolo has a very good tradition rooted in preserves of fruit and production of homemade sweets, all made based on the fruits that grow in their orchards, sweet mango, lemon, squash and guava. When you pass by here try to do it in the morning to have a typical ranchero breakfast of the zone, consists of burritos of machaca or meat pies with refried beans and fresh cheese. Hopefully you will find coffee from bag, made in the traditional way. If you like camping, here is another option, with some services in the town and a spectacular area where you can keep in direct contact with nature.

Upper right photo and text courtesy:
Other photos by Joseph A. Tyson –


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