post-title Raspados Rifados

Raspados Rifados

Raspados Rifados

Raspados Rifados

Cabo San Lucas, Los Cabos, Baja California Sur, México.

raspados-rifados-logoAccording to Wikipedia, the first documented “shaved ice” dessert was made in 27 B.C, in which the the Roman Emperor Nero sent slaves to collect snow from nearby mountains that he then flavored with a fruit and honey mixture. In imperial Japan, the dessert was also a treat reserved for royalty, as it was made of natural ice formed during the coldest period of winter, which was stored in ice houses. This made it very rare, and a supreme luxury available only to the very rich nobles; whereas, ordinary people could not afford such a simple delicacy.

In Mexico, as well as in some Spanish-speaking communities of the Southwestern United States, like Texas, New Mexico and California, a finely shaved and syruped ice is called a “raspa”, or “raspado”. Raspar is Spanish for “scrape”; hence raspado means “scraped”, referring to the ice. Raspados come in a wide range of fruit flavors and classic Mexican flavors, including leche (sweetened milk with cinnamon), picosito (lemon and chili powder), chamoy (fruits and chili sauce, known as chamoyada), cucumber, guanabana, guava, pistachio, and tamarindo.In Cabo San Lucas, Miguel Gomez and Mary Trejo, have created the greatest shaved ice “Raspados Rifados” available on the planet. In Spanish ‘Rifados” means “Bad Ass”, and that is exactly what this local, sweet, cute, and charming couple bring to their business; ”bad ass’ servings of this historic icy treat with their visually stimulating and delicious menu of options that are out of this world tasty and delicious. Their savory selections include hibiscus with cinnamon, pineapple with basil, mango with orange, lime, chili strawberry, tamarindo, strawberry, coffee de la hoya, Mexican chocolate, and a dizzying array of the cold dessert that are offered with water based or milk based servings, priced at 20 pesos for small, 35 pesos medium or 45 pesos for the large cup.

Miguel Gomez, a very bright and exceedingly knowledgeable connoisseur of this treat and his business model, arrived in Cabo San Lucas about a year ago, and was working in the restaurant branch of one of our 5-star resort hotels. From his hometown of Mexico City, Miguel left for Tulum along the Yucatan Peninsula in the southeastern state of Quintana Roo, where he worked as mixologist and bar manager. “The pandemic, which led to our being out of work, forced us to create our unique brand of Raspados, in order to survive and since opening, we have begun to thrive,” said the easy going, friendly and focused Miguel. ”Our shaved ice cream concept is a blend of traditional Mexican influences with a modern day twist.” Mary Trejo, was born and raised in Mexico City, and arrived in Cabo San Lucas after accepting a job as a public relations representative with one of our city’s famous 5-star resort hotels; which is where the two business partners met. The creative and ambitious duo began their year-long relationship as friends, but have been together as a couple for about two months.

Since opening, the popularity of Raspados Rifados, has steadily grown thanks in large part to their organically grown products and delightful service. In the very first second of meeting them, one immediately loves them. They are very charming and their radiant personalities are a heartwarming treat during the summer and year round, Los Cabos heat.  ”We have created flavors that are outside of the norm,” said Mary Trejo. ”and our customers love them.” The happy business partners started out with a small six-foot table and have upgraded their location by building a very adorable lemon-stand style  shack under a shady tree across the street from the downtown Telmex offices. ”When the demand increased we were able to upgrade and create this little place by this busy corner.”

Raspados Rifados CaboWhile they make ice or what can be termed as water based treats, they also serve dishes with a milk base that are equally popular with rich and creamy flavors. Raspados Rifados, has also been invited to open their business within the Cabo San Lucas Farmers Market version, of the popular steel structure of El Merkado in San Jose del Cabo. A dining and shopping center that will be constructed near Costco and Cabo Fitness, that will be home to 20 different businesses.

The Raspados Rifados signature flavors are definitely worth the vist and re-visit of several times, making the little place a go to establishment. And because of Miguel Gomez’s mixology background, they also offer several  mouthwatering alcohol-based dessert treats. And for everyone who prefers spicy flavors, they can transform anything on their delectable menu into a ”Diablito” serving that includes chili, Tajin, and Valentina sauce. Their exotic and unique flavors are undeniably appetizing.

Located at 12 de Octubre and San Ildefonso Green near Cabo San Lucas Boulevard across the street from the Telmex building in San Lucas. Open daily Monday-Through Sunday from 12:00 noon until 8:00 PM. (624) 220-5286.

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