post-title Pisces Weekly Fish Report November 26th to December 2nd, 2016

Pisces Weekly Fish Report November 26th to December 2nd, 2016

Pisces Fish Report

Overall catch success rate, all species combined: 96%
Numbers at a glance: Billfish 53%, Tuna 5%, Dorado 79%, other 21%

Pisces Weekly Fish Report | November 26th - December 2nd, 2016

Pisces Fish Report November 26th to December 2nd, 2016

Pisces Weekly Fish Report | November 26th - December 2nd, 2016

Pisces Fish Report

This week we saw air temperatures decrease a bit and it definitely feels like winter has arrived, even though our winter is mild by all accounts compared to other places to the North. Striped marlin catches remain consistent and for those willing to spend the money on extra fuel, the Finger Bank near Todos Santos remains the top location. Incredible double-digit catches of marlin and dorado were had in that area. Dorado was the top fish caught this week, with nearly 80% of boats landing them, yellowfin tuna catches have continued to dwindle and in there place we’ve seen an increasing number of wahoo being boated. We also saw the odd blue marlin and jack crevalle.

Pisces Weekly Fish Report | November 26th - December 2nd, 2016

Pisces Fish Report

On December 2nd we saw our top striped marlin catch and release numbers from two boats out at the Finger Bank. The Pisces Rebecca with 16 striped marlin for a couple from Sweden, and the Pisces Ruthless that had 15 striped marlin for a group of anglers from Colorado Springs, Colorado. All fish were caught using mackerel live bait and ranged between 100-150lbs. On December 1st the Pisces Rebecca and the same Swedish anglers caught and released eight striped marlin, as well as 15 dorado out at the Finger Bank with the same bait. On November 26th the Rebecca following the same formula also caught and released 12 striped marlin at the same location. The largest fish this week was a blue marlin caught and released aboard the Pisces Cabolero estimated at near 500lbs. These anglers from Los Angeles, California also caught three dorado of around 20lbs each just off of San Cristobal. On the 1st the Pisces Ruthless caught and released a striped marlin and had the top number of dorado of any boat this week, 25 in total (half released) ranging from 10-20lbs for some anglers from New Hampshire. The largest wahoo of the week weighed in at 50lbs and was caught on the Pisces Andrea for a group of anglers from Washington state, they also managed to land three dorado near 15lbs.

LOCATION: Pacific Side.

WEATHER CONDITIONS: Clear skies with air temps around 80ºF, seas mostly clam throughout the week.


BEST LURES: Caballito and mackerel live bait, green lures.

Photos by Oscar Bañagas.

Based on the catches of Pisces Sportfishing Fleet by Glenn Ehrenberg

Pisces Weekly Fish Report | November 26th - December 2nd, 2016Ady Moya, Reservations
Pisces Sportfishing Fleet & Luxury Yachts
Cabo Office – 143-1288
From US & Canada – 1-619-819-7983
Office hours from 11.00 am to 7.00 pm Mountain time, Sunday off


On Pisces Sportfishing Cabo San Lucas
Visit the website of Pisces Sportfishing at:
Barcos Piscis, S.A. de C.V.
Cabo Maritime Center, Marina 8-6, Suite 1-D, Cabo San Lucas, B.C.S. 23410 Mexico
Telephone U.S.A.: Toll Free : 1-877-286-7938, Tel : 1-619-819-7983, Fax : 1-619-270-5421
Telephone Mexico: Tel : 011 52 624 143 1288, Fax : 011 52 624 143 0588. Local calls do not need “011 52”.

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