post-title Los Cabos Hotels will not be able to reopen on June 1st

Los Cabos Hotels will not be able to reopen on June 1st

Los Cabos Hotels will not be able to reopen on June 1st

Los Cabos Hotels will not be able to reopen on June 1st, 2020 as originally stated.

By order of the Ministry of Health,  AHLC Gilberto Santisteban on May 14, 2020, the reopening of hotels will not be able to start in Los Cabos on June 1st as originally stated.  Business will need to wait to know the results of the economic reactivation plan to define when they can start the reopening of hotel rooms and other businesses in the destination.
In a video conference the Los Cabos Hotel Association announced that the revival of the tourism sector will not start on June 1, 2020, after the Federal Health Secretariat presented a regional statistic used in which Baja California Sur appears in red by alert maximum contagion classification.
The president of the Board of Directors of the Los Cabos Hotel Association, Mauricio Pérez Salicrup, explained that for “quite a long time” they have been working on the revival project in the main tourist destination of Baja California Sur. He added that the dates originally stipulated to reactivate the hotel sector were subject to change according to the provisions of the authorities of the State Council for Health Safety.
After the publication of the statistic in which Baja California Sur appears with the maximum risk of contagion, the business leaders stressed that “they will be respectful” of the restrictions and lines of action set by the State Health Safety Council.
He mentioned that they will wait for the economic reactivation plan to be released on June 1st, 2020 to define when the reopening of hotel rooms and other business units in Los Cabos may take place.
In this context, the president assures that in Los Cabos the revival of the economy will be more accelerated than in other tourist destinations. However, he added, the business sector has to be responsible in the application of proper sanitary measures.
“We have different attributes that become competitive advantages to achieve recovery in a balanced way, we are practically an island. We are the leading destination in the luxury sector, it is one of the first to take confidence in traveling, “said Mauricio Pérez.

They see a serious crisis within the hotel sector. Mauricio Salicrup, representative of the Los Cabos Hotel Association, announced at a virtual press conference that they will wait for the State Health Security Council in Baja California Sur for the official instruction to reactivate the hotel sector, since they will not be able to do it this June 1st. Meanwhile partners work on security and sanitation strategies in tourist developments to guarantee  the Los Cabos area to be a clean destination.

Another of the topics addressed in the virtual press conference, was related to the segments that would be reactivated in the destination, as soon as the state authorities raise the flag in BCS as a safe destination. He said that the first group of tourists to be received would be the timeshare segment, while the Spring Breakers will be the last.

Likewise, he said that the economic losses are significant in the hotel sector, in addition to an optimistic scenario for this year, that a minimum of one million fewer tourists will be received, a downturn or decline that represents a financial deficit in all the productive sectors of the entity.

“Really what I can tell you is that there is no hotel group in the destination that is not already in the last hole of its belt, we are definitely all on the edge.”
He concluded by saying that the State Council for Health Safety is the one who will determine the economic reactivation of the half peninsula and who will establish the date in which the hotel sector will be able to operate.


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