Whale Watcher Bar at Sandos Finisterra
Cabo San Lucas, Los Cabos, Baja California Sur, Mexico
Great location to view the ocean and watch the whales when in season. Close to downtown Cabo San Lucas.
Dress Code: Casual – Open: Morning, Afternoon and Evening
Cuisine type: Drinks and Cocktails
Open dai;y: 4:00 pm to 11:00 pm
Photo: An old image of Hotel Finisterra from 1989 taken from the ocean.
The Whale Watcher Bar is in the upper left part of the image.
More images of Los Cabos can be found on this site: https://josephtyson.picfair.com
Whale Watcher Bar at Sandos Finisterra Los Cabos
Address: Blvd. Paseo de la Marina S/N, Marina,
23450 Cabo San Lucas, B.C.S.
Phone: 624 145 6700
Website: /www.sandos.com/sandos-finisterra/los-cabos-all-inclusive-resort
Website: www.sandosloscabosresort.com/restaurants_bars.asp
Whale Watcher Bar at Sandos Finisterra Los Cabos – 31 December 2020 – JAT