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Cushiony Furniture Los Cabos

Cushiony Furniture Los Cabos

San José del Cabo, Los Cabos, Baja California Sur, Mexico.

cushiony-furniture-los-cabosCreate your perfect room.

The furniture in your home, business, or restaurant, reflects who you are and shows how you what to be seen by the people around you. Cushiony helps you create the perfect room, the perfect office, the perfect dining room, for you to always feel comfortable and confident in your day-to-day.

Your imagination is the limit. Cushiony can help you create the perfect centerpiece for the room bringing your designs to life.

Cushiony offers the best quality products, working with you step by step in order to give you exactly what you need to turn a room into a space that belongs to you.

Bring back to life old furniture and the tales it tells.

Cushiony helps you restore old family relics and forgotten pieces of decoration to give the spaces you inhabit a unique character and history. Turning old memories into a centerpiece in your life, old furniture reclaims a new life and collects new memories, a piece of the past brought back to fill the room with its presence.

There’s nothing better than resting in a clean room.

Entering a clean room, a clean office, a clean restaurant. That can be the difference that opens doors for you or shuts them down, how do you fill these rooms is just as important as how well maintained they are.

Cushiony offers deep cleaning services that guarantee the most professional attention and care of your personal and professional spaces.

Right now having the right service of cleaning and sanitation is vital for any business that wants to go back with full force after the pandemic. Cushiony counts with the most recent technology and procedures to make sure your restaurant, hotel, or office is up to any certification or standard in the new normality.

Get into a clean room, a clean office, a clean restaurant. That can be all the difference whether you open or close the doors for you, how you fill these rooms is just as important as how well they are maintained.
Cushiony offers deep cleaning services that guarantee the most professional attention and care of your personal and professional spaces.

Right now, having the proper cleaning and sanitation service is vital for any business that wants to come back in full force after the pandemic. Cushiony has the latest technology and procedures to ensure your restaurant, hotel or office lives up to any certification or standard in the new normal.

Hours: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Friday.
Saturday: 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM – Closed on Sunday

Cushiony Spanish

Cushiony Los Cabos

cushiony-san-jose-caboAddress: Calle Colina Zaragoza #33 23427
San José del Cabo, Baja California Sur, Mexico  C.P. 23427

Phone: (624)120-5777

WhatsApp: (624) 164-3709


Website:  www.cushiony.mx/

Facebook: www.facebook.com/Cushionymx/

Cushiony Los Cabos, San José del Cabo, Los Cabos, BCS, MX – 06 November 2021 – JAT



Calle Colina Zaragoza #33 23427 San José del Cabo, Baja California Sur, Mexico


23.07064359524088, -109.7139731158409

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