Cabo Nanny by Emovere

Cabo Nanny by by Emovere

Cabo San Lucas and San Jose del Cabo, Los Cabos, Baja California Sur, México.

cabo-nanny-logoChild Care Service, Where care means Fun!

Our Team:  Highly qualified staff in the areas of psychology, pedagogy and child care offer:

  • Dynamic and recreational activities according to the needs of the child.
  • Recognition of your achievements
  • Freedom, making each space yours according to your interests
  • Environment designed not only for fun, but also an environment rich in stimuli and learning in various areas.

Stimulating each of their senses leads them to discover their world, in the early stage the adaptability of the brain is linked to the learning capacity, and allows the child to understand, relate, adapt to new situations, making use of thought and interaction direct with the objects and the world around it, in the different areas of: motor, language, socio-emotional. Accompanying them with music as the universal language, which helps them towards an integral development, both physically and psychically, adding self-confidence, by preparing their environment all through the game.

Expressing oneself in the arts sensitizes them and turns them into better human beings, by expressing their inner world in a way that also encourages them to create, learn and innovate.

Cabo Nanny, is where care means fun, seeks to be a center of creative and innovative activities, a provider of integral development, through an environment prepared and rich in stimuli, for the training of independent and self-confident children, where freedom and responsibility can be the goals.

Make children happy, and autonomous, by emphasizing creativity and the freedom to choose.

Our Goals:

  • Help the child’s physical, intellectual, emotional and social development
  • Provide games, movement and an appropriate environment so that the above is readily achieved
  • Interpersonal relationships through group work
  • Promote autonomy
  • Educational and recreational strategies to stimulate and motivate
  • Use the arts actively and help with discovery of knowledge for their emotional world
  • Physical activation, to help you discover, know and control your body

Freedom and Opportunity
“The child who has freedom and opportunity to manipulate and use his hand in a logical way, with consequences and using real elements, develops a strong personality.”

Cabo Nanny by Emovere

CLogotipo Cabo Nannyabo San Lucas Phone:  624 143-3109 – 624-125-5304

San Jose del Cabo Phone:  624-688-3904 – 624-1598017



Cabo Nanny by Emovere, Cabo San Lucas – 26 May 2021 – DMMF










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