Featured Directory Page and Advertising Listing.
Advertise your activity, business, restaurant, product or service online with Los Cabos Guide directory. www.loscabosguide.com.
We have recently updated our www.loscabosguide.com website to give it a more modern look and make it more user and mobile friendly. Our Featured Directory Page and Advertising Listing is a good way to promote your business or service. We have also been updating and improving the content with more frequent blog and news posts.
I would like to offer our internet advertising services to help promote your activity, boutique, business, hotel, restaurant, service, or retail store on our updated LosCabosGuide.com website with our new Featured Directory Page and listing.
With your customized Directory Page you will be able to have 300 to 500 words of text, a photo gallery, a Google map showing your location, active links to your main website, email account, plus links or direct feed links to your various social media accounts. Clients need to provide the text and images.
To find out more, call us or email for more details.
Perla Palomino: juridico@loscabosguide.com – Phone: 624-143-1346
Joseph Tyson: tyson@loscabosguide.com – Phone: 624-143-1346
Your customized page will be listed and promoted in the Featured Listing Section at the top portion of the proper directory listing section pages on Los Cabos Guide. These sections include Activities, Beaches, Hotels and Resorts, News, Nightlife, Real Estate, Restaurants, Services, Shopping, Vacation Rental Services, etc.
We will also provide a blog news post on our site, as a bonus, when you agree to contract for this Featured Directory Listing service. You would be able to submit information for up to six (6) blog posts, each 12 months, during the term of your contract. You would need to provide the press release, or the information you want promoted for the blog post, plus any images you want to include.
The cost of this complete service is $650.00 USD, plus IVA, per year.
Payment can be made with cash, Paypal, credit card or debit card. There is a 10% discount if you purchase two or more Featured Directory pages. IVA is not included.
Below are some examples of our Featured Directory Pages.
Our website traffic reported by Google Analytics shows 1,142,349 page view traffic, for the year 2021.
Spanish Version: www.loscabosguide.com/pagina-de-directorio-destacada/
For examples of this new format, the following links go to live Featured Directory Pages.
Our updated website’s Featured Directory Page, Featured Listings, regular listings and blog post feature will help you attract more clients.