post-title Christmas Dinner in Los Cabos 2015

Christmas Dinner in Los Cabos 2015

Christmas Dinner in Los Cabos 2015

Many restaurants and catering business are preparing and serving traditional Christmas dinners in Cabo San Lucas, Los Cabos, on Thursday, December 24, 2015, and/or Friday, December 25, 2015.


Some restaurants will be closed on Christmas day. This exclusive list shows some of the options for a traditional Christmas dinner in Cabo San Lucas and San Jose del Cabo in Los Cabos, Baja California Sur, México to celebrate Christmas 2015.

2015 Changes will be updated today.


La PangaLa Panga antigua –  Holidays Specials
Holidays Specials / Especiales Festivos
Spinach and Arugula Salad with Shrimp/Citric Supremes/ Sweet potato, Plantain and bacon chips $14 us / Ensalada de Espinaca y Arúgala con Camarones/ supremas de cítricos/ fritura de Camote, Plátano macho y tocino.$224.00 Mx.
Suckling Pig medallion with chipotle chile and pumpkin seed/ Potato Soufflé/ Mushroom and Carrot  Escabeche.$35 us / Medallón de Lechón  con salsa de Chipotle y pepita verde/ Papas soufflé/ Escabeche de Hongos y zanahoria al tomillo.$560
Walnut Crème brule with vanilla ice cream.$10us / Creme brule de Calabaza de Castilla con helado de vainilla.$160 Mx.
Reservaciones / Reservations (624) 142-404

Pancho´s Restaurant – Cena de Navidad /Christmas Dinner
Adultos $525 Mx, Niños menores de 10 años $225Mxcena navideña 2 OCF Adults $35 USD per person
Ensalada Waldorf / Waldorf salad
Lechuga, manzana, apio, pasas y nuez con aderezo de yogurt y miel
Lettuce, apple, celery, rasins and walnuts with a honey yogurt dressing.
Opcion a Elegir /option to choose
Pavo Relleno/Roasted Turkey
Acompañado de su delicioso relleno, salsa de arándano, gravy y puré de papa
Served with its famous stuffing, cranberry sauce, gravy and mashed potato
Chuletón de Puerco / Pork chop Porterhouse
Deliciosa chuleta de Puerco corte grueso marinada al chipotle y asada a las brasas.
Acompañada con papa al horno y verduras asadas
Grilled Pork chop, thick cut, marinated on chipotle pepper. Served with baked potato and grilled vegetables.
Mar y Tierra
Combinación de 3 Camarones Jumbo al ajo y Arrachera Angus Marinada con cerveza y Tequila a la Parrilla .Acompañado de Vegetales salteados.
Combination of 3 Shrimp Grilled and served with garlic butter and Arrachera beef steak marinated in beer, tequila and assorted spices, served with sautéed veggies.
Fiesta Marina
Combinación de 3 Camarones al coco y Filete de pescado en salsa de Mango.
Combination of 3 Shrimp”breaded “w/coconut fried and fish filet served with mango sauce
Para reservaciones / for reservation call at
(624) 143-2891 / 1453-0973 /

solomons christmas dinners 2015Solomon´s Landing Restaurant – Christmas Dinner
December 2015, 24th & 25th
1st Course
Creamy Clam Chowder or Solomon´s Famous House Salad
2nd Course
Juicy Tender Turkey or Braised Brisket with a Mushroom Cabernet Sauvignon Reduction Sauce and Mashed Potatoes
3rd Course
Red Velvet Cake With Vanilla Ice Cream on the Side
December, 2015, 24th & 25th
Reservaciones / Reservations: (624) 143-3050
From de U.S. (209) 390-4382
Price $29.50 U.S.


This list is from 2014

alcaravea-gourmet-cabo-logo3Alcaravea Gourmet
Select from a menu of five tasty choices ranging in price from $320 to $470 pesos.
Zaragoza corner 16 de Septiembre two blocks from Main Street Mediterranean cuisine, we are open from 11:00 am. to 11:00 pm. 011 +52 (624) 143-3730. 011 +52 (624) 164-2939; E-mail:; visit us at: and

Celebrate Holidays at Daikoku in a Japanes Style: Set menu includes an entree, two breaded pieces, a sushi roll, a dish that would tip the chef, a main dish, a national drink. Packets from $300 ,$400, $500 and $600 pesos.
Reservations at:
More information at


Desperados Restaurant and Cantina
Christmas dinner on December 24 and December 25, Appetizer: Homemade Tortilla Soup or House Salad; Entree: Tequila Lime Chicken or Sea Bass Veracruz Style; Dessert: Homemade Cream Cheese Flan or 1 Glass of Wine.
3 course meal with 1 glass of wine $32 USD adults $14 children tax included.
Reservations: (624) 134-4331
More information at

don-sanchez-resaurant-2012_r3Don Sanchez Restaurant | Your Fine Food & Wine Experience
Christmas SpecialHorno roasted turkey – Tarragon mashed potatoes, apple chorizo stuffing, sage pesto with goat cheese, giblet gravy, crispy sweet potato frizzle, and cranbrries.
RSVP (624) 142-2444 | | * Regular Menu Available on the 24th. E-mail: | Price: $26.00 USD per person.  Blvd. Antonio Mijares Edificio Eclipse Int 3, downtown,  San José del Cabo, Los Cabos,  CP 23400, Mexico. Phone: (624) 142-2444 | Open daily from 2pm to 11pm |  More information here:

lapanga-antigua-logoLa Panga Antigua Restaurant Bar
Zaragoza Street #20, Downtown, across from the main Church,
San Jose del Cabo, Los Cabos, Mexico
Phone: (624) 142-4041
More information at:

micasa-logoMi Casa Restaurant
Holiday Specials In the spirit of Mexican traditions, we offer you our most cherished flavors for this Christmas season. Website: | E-mail:
More information at :

Pancho’s Restaurant and Tequila Bar
panchlos-restaurant-caboChristmas dinner at Pancho’s Restaurant on December 24 and December 25, 2014 with a menu of: Mixed organic salad greens with pecans, Over roasted turkey with Mary’s famous dressing, Fresh cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes and gravy or Grilled lobster and Shrimp, Fresh vegetables and fiesta rice, Gingerbread ice cream.  Cost: Adults $30 USD per person. Children under 10 eat for $15 USD 
Tax included. Piñata breaking at 9:00 PM 
 RSVP:  624-143-2891 | 143-0973
. For more info visit.  Pancho’s Restaurant and Tequila Bar, 
Calle Miguel Hidalgo & Emiliano Zapata, Col Centro, 23450 Cabo San Lucas, Los Cabos, BCS.  More info here:

Penny Lane Cafe, Pedregal, Cabo San Lucas
Penny Lane Cafe Cabo San LucasHere is an option for a  baked turkey dinner or baked ham dinner with all the trimmings that you can serve at your home. The restaurant will include extra gravy, potatoes, a 15-pound turkey, 3 liters of gravy, 3 liters of mashed potatoes, 2 liters of stuffing, organic local vegetables, bread or  dinner rolls, homemade cranberry relish, and holiday bread pudding. They will use organic ingredients if available.  The price is 3,000 pesos (about $250 U.S.) for turkey or ham; $4,000 pesos (about $340 U.S.) for prime rib. Note: prices from 2013. Please confirm. Phone: (624) 172-0129; inquiries and orders call owner Monica’s cell:  044-624-122-5560. |  Website: | Email: 

Ppuerta vieja-restuarant-cabouerta Vieja Restaurant – Christmas Dinner
The chef and staff of Puerta Vieja Restaurant await for you with the special menu.
Price: $28.00 USD plus tax and plus service.
Make reservations call (52) 624-104-3334 and (624) 104-3252.
Cabo Bello, Km. 6.3 Transpeninsular Highway, Cabo San Lucas.
E-mail: |
More information here:

romeoyjulieta-logoRomeo y Julieta
Celebrates Christmas eve with us. Check our special menus at:
Restaurant’s Phone: (624) 143 0225

Solomon’s Landing Restaurant – Christmas Dinner

solomonslogo3A three-course Christmas Dinner Wednesday, December 25th, from 5 – 10 pm. Price: $29.50 USD. Space is limited; Reservations Suggested. You may visit us on the Marina through the Wyndham Hotel lobby in Cabo San Lucas. Visit our Location page for a detailed map or call us locally at 143.3050 or 143.7606 or from the U.S. at 209.390.4382. | Website:
More information here:

the-shrimp-factory-cabo-san-lucas-logoThe Shrimp Factory
Celebrates your holidays in company of your friends or coworkers, we have special packages.
Hidalgo Street, Restaurant Road. Downtown Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur, Mexico
Telephone: (624) 143-1105, Cellphone: (624) 122-0522
Open daily from 10:00 am to 10:00 pm
More information here (Spanish):

NOTE: The following listings are from 2013 and will be updated when information is available.


eat-cabo-christmasEAT Cabo at Plaza El Faro, Deli & Catering Services
Carretera Transpeninsular KM 26, “Plaza El Faro” (across to Toyota dealeship) Palmilla, San Jose del Cabo, B.C.S. Mexico 23406.  Menu para llevar – Take out Menu only. Orders must be placed by Monday December 23, 2013.   With 2 main courses – $390 pesos per person ($32 to $35 US); With 2 main courses – $490 pesos per person ($40 to to $43 US). Visit our website:; Tel. 144.6660 Open Monday – Friday 8am to 3pm.

habaneros-gastro-grill-loscabosGastro Grill & Tequila Bar
1oth Annual Christmas Dinner, December 25, 2013 | Traditional 3 Course Turkey Dinner | Cost Per Person: $29 USD | $348 MXN (Tax included. Tips not included.) RSVP: (624) 142-2626 | |  Dinner available also on the 24th, but only while supplies last. Reservations highly recommended.  More information here:

lapampa-logoLa Pampa Argentinian Restaurant
Come and enjoy the Christmas with us!. We have a special Menu for you. “All Can you eat”.  Cost:  $960 pesos  ($80 US) US Adults |  $450 pesos (38 US) for Children. You can make your reservation: Blvd. Marina e/Hidalgo y Cabo San Lucas, Cabo San Lucas, Col. Centro.,  Phone: (624) 144-4939. More more info: |  Visit our contact page:

Tequila Fusion, Playa El Médano, Cabo San Lucas
STequilaFusion-300x111oup, Salad, Entree (
Beef Filet with confit Portobello  sauce and Merlot with Lobster  bathed with 4 Cheese sauce,
 served with wild Mushroom  Risotto and Asparagus sautéed  with butter and Chardonnay), and Dessert. Price: $48 USD per person, taxes are included. For more Information: Tequila Fusion, Playa El Médano s/n Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur, México. Tel: +624-145-7800; For more details: | Email: |

Add Your Listing:  If you own a restaurant or catering company and are planning to prepare a special Christmas or New Year’s feast, please let us know and send the details and photos to:

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