standard-title Cabo San Lucas Beaches

Beaches (Playas) of Cabo San Lucas

Cabo San Lucas, Los Cabos, Baja California Sur, Mexico.

The list of Cabo San Lucas Beaches include Cannery Beaches (Playa Coral Negro, Playa El Balcón, Playa Balcóncito and Playa Escondida), Solmar Beach, Playa el Medano, the popular safe swimming Cabo San Lucas beach, Lover’s Beach and Divorce Beach.

Los Cabos is home to many beautiful beaches, a few of which, like Lover’s and Médano, are endlessly extolled by travel and guidebook writers. But there is one beach that never seems to be mentioned, despite the fact that its location is so central to Cabo San Lucas that it borders the entrance to the Cabo San Lucas Marina, and it is mere steps from the building that housed the town’s primary commercial enterprise prior to widespread, government-sponsored tourism.

It has always seemed rather curious to me that a beach of such geographic and historical importance gets so little coverage, but to be fair to travel and guidebook writers, many locals appear somewhat confused about the actual name of the beach. Read more about the Cannery Beaches and other Cabo San Lucas beaches below.

Cannery Beaches

cannery-beaches-cabo-2004-0048-croppedThese are are known by several names: Playa Coral Negro, Playa El Balcón, Playa Balcóncito and Playa Escondida. Playa Coral Negro seems to be the most commonly used moniker, but I have also heard this beach and its neighbors referred to as Cannery Beach and Old Peoples’ Beach. To further complicate things, Coral Negro and two neighboring beaches are collectively referred to as the Cannery Beaches.

Divorce Beach

divorce-beach-bay-cabo-san-lucas02012-2238-2A great beach for sunbathing and relaxing, but It is very dangerous to swim on this beach. There are strong currents, crashing waves and rip tides there. Stay out of the water along this beach! Please remember there are no lifeguards here. Swimming is much better on the bay side of Lover’s Beach. Access to this beach is by a Panga from Medano Beach or the marina main dock. The panga will drop you off at Lover’s Beach and you walk to the Pacific side.

Medano Beach or Playa El Medano (The Dune Beach)

medano-beach-marina-cabo-2197-r2Entering the town of Cabo San Lucas, the graceful sweep of Playa El Médano (Medano Beach), the historical name of the beach, extends through the main beachfront hotel zone, and abounds with beach activity. Bahía San Lucas, once packed with anchored yachts and fishing boats, is relatively quiet since the inner harbor marina was built. These days the bay is alive with watercraft, catamarans, sea kayaks and para-sailors. On El Medano, Cabo’s main beach, you’ll find it easy to rent the water toy of your choice, from high-powered wave runners, to quiet self-powered sea kayaks. For the serious beach runner, El Medano is the place. Stretching for two miles away from town, the sloped soft sand beach provides all the challenge the serious runner wants. Access to this beach is available at Km. 1 near Club Cascadas de Baja or near the harbor entrance at the Costa Real Cabo Resort Beach Club or through any of the hotels and restaurants along this long stretch of beach.

Lover’s Beach or Playa del Amante, Playa del Amor (Love Beach) 

Lover's Beach Cabo San LucasOnce known as Playa de Doña Chepa, Lover’s Beach is another must, but to get to this hidden cove you’ll need some kind of floating transportation. Easiest is to hire a water taxi at the marina. The captain will take you on an informative tour of the diving areas around the arch (El Arco), point out Lover’s Beach, then go around the popular point for a wonderful view of the dramatic area where the Sea of Cortez meets the Pacific Ocean. We suggest you pack a lunch of your choice and plan on spending the better part of the day enjoying Lover’s Beach and the striking wind and water shaped rock formations…then ask your skipper to come back for you at a pre-determined time…all for one price. Be most careful here, the powerful waves and currents of the Pacific make swimming quite dangerous. Swim and snorkel only on the Sea of Cortez side of Lover’s Beach.

See more Beach of Los Cabos, Baja California Sur

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