Pisces Weekly Fish Report October 8th to 14th, 2016
Overall catch success rate, all species combined: 82%
Numbers at a glance: Billfish 46%, Tuna 26%, Dorado 40%, other 15%
BILLFISH: This week saw the first big tournament of the season in Cabo San Lucas. The Los Cabos Billfish Tournament, sponsored by the local hotel association, ran from October 11th to the 15th was in its 17th year. And saw John DeDominic as the unofficial winner of the tournament. John landed a beautiful 378lbs black marlin on the second day of the three-day event that put him in the top slot. He told us “we were strictly targeting black marlin, by fishing the shallows. We were all alone on the Cortez side, we don’t like to fish near other boats. It’s said be a hero or zero”. By choosing to fish this way John was definitely the hero of the tournament. John is originally from New Jersey but now lives in Cabo and works as a realtor while pursuing his passion of saltwater fishing. John has been fishing the waters around Cabo for twenty years and is has clocked up a lot of experience and knowledge. Apart from the tournament we saw some slowing down in fish captures at the start of the week, while still having some spectacular days for some of Pisces boats. Starting the week on October 8th, we saw the Pisces Valerie with one of those spectacular days. They caught and released two striped marlin, a sailfish and a blue marlin, as well as keeping a dorado of around 20lbs. The Pisces Tracy Ann had a beautiful day for billfish on the 9th. Catching and releasing a striped marlin, two sailfish and a blue marlin on the Pacific side on caballito live bait. Ocotber 13th saw four boats catch and release three marlin or more; with the Pisces Tracy Ann taking the cake. They caught and released six striped marlin between 100-130lbs off of Todos Santos.
OTHER SPECIES: This week saw a nice variety of species, with wahoo, dorado, roosterfish and some large tuna being landed. The Pisces Tracy Ann, captained by Julio Castro caught two yellowfin tuna on October 8th, weighing in at 105 & 190lbs each. October 12th was also a good day for yellowfin tuna, we saw the Pisces Adriana captained by Nicolas Winkler, catch a 100lbs yellowfin tuna. And the Pisces Rebecca captained by JR Alucano land a very nice 156lbs yellowfin tuna at the 11:50 Spot.
LOCATION: Pacific side.
WEATHER CONDITIONS: Clear skies and calm seas, weather in the mid 70s to high 80s.
BEST LURES: Caballito live bait, purple lures, black and pink lures.
Based on the catches of Pisces Sportfishing Fleet by Glenn Ehrenberg
Ady Moya, Reservations
Pisces Sportfishing Fleet & Luxury Yachts
Cabo Office – 143-1288
From US & Canada – 1-619-819-7983
Office hours from 11.00 am to 7.00 pm Mountain time, Sunday off
On LosCabosGuide.com: Pisces Sportfishing Cabo San Lucas
Visit the website of Pisces Sportfishing at: www.piscessportfishing.com
Barcos Piscis, S.A. de C.V.
Cabo Maritime Center, Marina 8-6, Suite 1-D, Cabo San Lucas, B.C.S. 23410 Mexico
Telephone U.S.A.: Toll Free : 1-877-286-7938, Tel : 1-619-819-7983, Fax : 1-619-270-5421
Telephone Mexico: Tel : 011 52 624 143 1288, Fax : 011 52 624 143 0588. Local calls do not need “011 52”.