Sushi Time Fish Report to March 21st

Sushi Time Fish Report to March 21st

Sushi Time Fish Report for the Week of March 15th thru the 21st, 2014 Fishing action remains slow for this past week, with some odd bites for this time of the year mainly on small dorado.  Once again overall, not a bad week of fishing with cold water inshore fish and windy conditions, an average temperature of 88º F, with partly cloudy skies and an average water  temperature of 70º F.  A good week with 36 fishing trips provided by Sushi Time Sport Fishing, we had a 91.66% effectiveness catching fish, with 15+ 13 lbs Dorados, 30+ bonitos,...

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What’s in a Name? The Story of Cabo San Lucas’s Least Publicized Beach

What’s in a Name? The Story of Cabo San Lucas’s Least Publicized Beach

Los Cabos is home to many beautiful beaches, a few of which, like Lover’s and Médano, are endlessly extolled by travel and guidebook writers. But there is one beach that never seems to be mentioned, despite the fact that its location is so central to Cabo San Lucas that it borders the entrance to the Cabo San Lucas Marina, and it is mere steps from the building that housed the town’s primary commercial enterprise prior to widespread, government-sponsored tourism. It has always seemed rather curious to me that a beach of such...

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