post-title Thanksgiving 2015 Dinner Options in Los Cabos

Thanksgiving 2015 Dinner Options in Los Cabos

There are various Dinner options in Cabo San Lucas and San José del Cabo, Los Cabos, México for Thanksgiving 2015 – November 26th, 2015

Photo: bigstock-Thanksgiving-38299741

Photo: bigstock-Thanksgiving-38299741

Many restaurants are preparing and serving traditional Thanksgiving turkey dinners, with all the trimming, in Cabo San Lucas and San Jose del Cabo (Los Cabos) on Thursday, November 26, 2015. This list shows some of the options for a traditional Thanksgiving dinner with all the fixings in Cabo San Lucas and San Jose del Cabo in Los Cabos, Baja California Sur, México, to celebrate Thanksgiving 2015.

Add Your Listing:  If you own a restaurant and are planning to prepare a special Thanksgiving feast, please let us know:


Menœ ThanksgivingEl Meson Restaurant at Hilton – Thanksgiving Dinner
Menú Especial | Special Menu
Spinache Baby, Arugulas and Roasted yellow Potato Salad, Grain Mustard Dressing
Mixed Organic greens, grilled Apricots, Pancetta & Maple vinaigrette
Asparagus with sweet Orange, Grapefruit , baked apple, champagne dressing
Goat cheese, red beets and Watercress Salad with Sherry Almonds Vinaigrette
Smoked salmon Salad, Fennel, Endives and lemon dressing
Butternut Squash Salad with Artichokes, crispy bacon, Cider Vinaigrette
Pear Anjou & Melon with Cottage Cheese, Mint, Caramelized walnut
Green Beans Salada with Parma & creamy Apple Dressing
Granny Smith Apple & Quinoa Salad with Bread and Goat Cheese Crumble
Turkey Salad with Basil, wild Berries & Red onion Jam.
Pumpkin and Butternut Squash Creamy Soup
Clam – Crab and Corn Chowder
Chicken Noodle Soup
House butter rolls
Menœ Thanksgiving_ 2Main Courses
Seafood – saffron casserole
Roasted Chicken brown butter thyme, Tangenine, Red Wine reduction
Turkey stuffed and Herb Apple Cider – sage Gravy
Seared Local Catch with Almond and Pistachio Crust, parsley & Orange Beurre – blanc
Glazed Baby carrots – Creamy spinach Kale
Corn and Roasted root vegetables with Garlic, Lemon and Shallot Confit
Sour cream – Mashed Potatoes, crispy maple bacon
Balsamic Roasted Brussels Sprouts, dried cranberries
Ginger and Cinnamon Confit Duck with rice
Caramelized & Baked Pumpkin with Sweet potato Pure
Buttermilk ricotta Creamy Mashed Potatoes
Grilled Tomatoes and Broccolis with herbs and bread, parsley crumble
Baked Macaroni, gorgonzola Cheese
Seared herb crusted Beef Medallion with wild mushroom & Green peppercorn Au-jus
Carving Stations
Lemon Brine and Roasted Turkey
Fry and BBQ tURKEY
Maple – Agave Molasses Glazed Turkey
Traditional Turkey stuffed
Turkey Au-Jus
Spiced Orange – Cranberries Sauce
Glazed and crispy Pork Belly with Ginger, Orange & Cranberries Relish.
Red velvet Cake with Orange jelly and Vanilla Butter cream-cheese frosting Marshmallow stuffing puddind
Mais en creme brulee / Apple Butter Pumpkin Pie / Pecan Pie
Dark Chocolat Cake and Croute de Noix de macadamia
Roasted Apple Crumble & Caramel / Apricot Torte
Black Cherries & Cassis Clafoutis.
Price: $55.00 USD – Tax not Included
Kids 6-12 years old $28.00 USD & 5 years old and under eat free (Service charge not included)
November 26th, 2015, – From 6:00 P.M. to 9:30 P.M.
Reservations: (624) 145 6500 at ext. 7001


Mango Deck – Thanksgiving Dinner
Menú Especial | Special Menumango
1st Course:
Crostini: Rebanada de pan tostado con queso brie, proscuitto, mermelada de cranberry y bañada con glaseado balsámico / Crostini (slice of bread toast), with a slice of brie cheese, proscuitto, cranberry jam, bathed with balsamic vinegar glaze.
2nd Course:
Crema de cebolla, decorada con perejil y crotones / Onion cream soup, garnished with croutons and parsley.
3rd Course:
Pavo tradicional: Con relleno, acompañado de Papa al horno, puré de camote, salsa de cranberry y gravy / traditional stuffed turkey, with a baked potatoe, sweet potatoe pure, cranberry sauce and gravy.
Postre | Dessert:
Tarta de manzana calentada al horno, acompañada de una bola de nieve / Hot Apple pie tart, with a side dish of vanilla ice cream.
Price:  22.00 U.S. Per Person
Reservaciones | Reservations: (624)-144-4919


Thanksgiving Solomon´s LandingSolomon’s Landing – Thanksgiving Dinner
Menú Especial | Special Menu:
1st Course:
Clam Chowder OR
Solomon’s House Salad with Raspberry Vinaigrette
2nd Course:
Homemade Garlic Butter and Parmesan Cheese Bread
3rd Course:
Juicy Fresh Roasted Turkey With Our Elegant Gravy and Cranberrie Sauce
Our Famous Wild Rice Stuffing With Mushrooms, Celery, Onions ans Special Spíces
Homemade candied Yams, baked all day and covered in Caramel Pecans
Sauteed Green Beans with Silvered Almonds
Homemade Fresh Garlic Mashed Potatoes
4th Course:
Pumpkin Pie with whipped cream OR Apple Pie a la Mode
Price: 27.5 USD Per Person
Reservations | Reservaciones (624) 143.3050 or from de U.S. (209) 390-4382



Thanksgiving a la Mexicana
Captain Tony´s1
Menú Especial | Special Menu
$120.00 Pesos Turkey Tortas and Pizza, Includes: Salad and Pumpkin Pie.
$280.00 Pesos The Traditional Turkey with Apple Salad and Pumpkin Pie.
Reservations | Reservaciones (624) 143.6797










Tomatoes Restaurant at Sheraton Hacienda del Mar Hotel
Menú Especial | Special Menu
Buffet Frio / Cold Buffet
Barra de Ensaladas / Salad Bar
Festival de Quesos y Carnes Frías /Cheeses and Cold Cuts Festival
Vegetales de la Temporada al Grilll Grllled Seasonal vegetables
Productos del Mar de Cortez / Producís from Sea of Cortez
Rincón de Medio Oriente, con pan pita I Middle Eastem Comer with Pita Bread
Labne – Hummus – Tapenade
Labneh – Hummus – Tapenade
Sopa / Soup
Bísquet de Langosta I Lobster bisqueCarving
Pavo rostizado, acompañado de su tradicional relleno, Gravy y Salsa de Arándanos
Puré de Camote – Ejotes a la mantequilla – Pie de Elote – Cebollas asadas
Roasted turkey, Served with traditional stuffing, gravy and cranberry sauce
Mashed Sweet Potatoes – Butter GreenBeans – Com Pie – Roasted Oniona
Caliente / Hot
Filete de res relleno con puerro y queso azul, reducción de Malbec y espárragos a la mantequilla de limón
Beef flllet stuffed with leek and blue eheese, Malbec reduction and lemon butter
Pollo adobado, servido con salteado rústico de vegetales orgánicos
Marlnated ehíeken, served with sauteed rustic organlc vegetables
Estofado de cordero estilo marroquí, acompañado con tajine de cous-cous
Moroccan style lamb stew, served with tajine couscous
Cabrilla salteada con salsa cremosa de chardonnay y cangrejo provenzal
Sea basa sauteed with chardonnay cream sauce and Provencal crab
Sartén de camarones en salsa Romesco, acompañados de cebollas asadas en salsa de almejas
Skillet shrimp Romesco sauce, served with clam sauce roasted onions
Lomo de puerco glaseado con chabacano y brandy, acompañado de elote rostizado al epazote
Glazed pork 101n with apricot brandy served with roasted com and epazote herb
Ravioles de Queso con dúo de pesto y parmesano añejo
Cheese ravioli with pesto and aged Parmesan
Postres / Desserts
Estación de Dulces de nuestro Chef Pastelero
Sweet Desaert Statlon from our Pastry Chef
Price: $58 Usd Adults
Reservations | Reservaciones (624) 145-8000


thanksgiving-2015-golden-zone-GZ-01The Golden Zone – Happy Thanksgiving 
Jack’s Bar & Grill, Baja Lobster Company, Los Deseos
Menú Especial | Special Menu
Welcome Cocktail – Roasted Turkey Breast – Cranberry Sauce
Pumpkin Stuffing – Yorkshire Pudding – Gravy
Pumpkin Tart, Corn Pie, or Pumpkin Pie.
Coctel De Bienvenida, Pechuga de Pavo Rostizada, Salsa De Arandanos – Relleno De Calabaza, Pan De Pudding Gravy, Tarta De Calabaza
o Pay De Elote o Pay De Calabaza
Price: $29 Usd Adults, $19 Usd Children (Under 12 Years Old)
Reservations | Reservaciones (624) 145.6011 |


solomons-logo-4Solomon’s Landing Restaurant Sushi Bar, Cabo San Lucas
A four-course traditional Thanksgiving dinner will be served on Thursday, November 26, from 5  p.m. to 10 p.m. Space is limited; reservations are required. Price: $27.50 USD. Call from Mexico: (624) 143-3050 or (624) 143-7606 or from the United States: (209) 390-4382. You can also email: or make a reservation via the website. Please be aware that any reservations received via the website is not considered complete until you receive a confirmation via email or phone.


We will be updating our 2015 list over the next few days.

Add Your Listing:  If you own a restaurant and are planning to prepare a special Thanksgiving feast, please let us know and send the details and photos to:


The restaurants below are from our 2014 listing. We will post updates as they are available.

Baja Cantina Beach
Baja Cantina Beach CaboEnjoy a traditional Thanksgiving dinner menu with all the fixings—if a little more fancy than what you would make at home—at 6 pm. on Medano Beach, Cabo San Lucas. The all-you-can-eat feast,is $35 U.S. (not including taxes or gratuity). The feast features: Pear and Gorgonzola Salad Tossed to Order, Bread Display with assorted homemade breads, Our Thanksgiving Rest with slow roasted whole turkey and all the trimmings, and our sweet ending.
For more information please visit:

Pancho’s Restaurant and Tequila Bar
Call to make your reservation today for our traditional Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday, November 27th, 2014. Our menu includes mixed organic field salad with pecans, oven roasted turkey Mary’s famous stuffing, fresh cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes with gravy and, of course, pumpkin pie with whipped cream for dessert! Adults – $29.95 USD per person, Children under 13 – $13.95 USD. Tax is included. Not to be combined with other specials or promotions.   WE WILL HAVE OUR REGULAR GRILL MENU  AVAILABLE AS WELL!!! For reservation (624) 143-2891 or 143-0973.  More info here. | E-mail:

Peacock’s R
estaurant & Bar, Cabo San Lucas
Chef Emmanuel Prieto is overseeing a Thanksgiving menu that is very much in keeping with the traditions of Peacock’s, part of the Mi Casa family of restaurants. The menu fuses flavors from Mexico with more traditional American favorites and incorporates fresh, locally sourced ingredients. Highlights include a lentil, pumpkin, and huazontle salad with turmeric vinaigrette as well as an oven-roasted turkey breast,with hibiscus and blackberries sauce, holy leaf oil, almond, quinoa, parsley, and cilantro filling. Go to for more information or to make reservations.

penny-lane-cafe-cabo-2013_r3Penny Lane Cafe, Pedregal, Cabo San Lucas
Here is an option for a fully prepared Thanksgiving turkey diner with all the trimmings you can serve at your home. Full dinner or Roasted Turkey, or Spiral Ham, garnished with Organic Herbs, Homemade Rustic Bread Stuffing, Roasted Sweet Potatoes, Smashed Creamy Buttery Potatoes, Almondine Green Beans, Dinner Rolls, Homemade Cranberry Relish, choice of Pumpkin pie, or Bread Pudding. Price: $2,850.00 pesos (about $220.00 USD).  A 50 percent advance deposit is needed to place your order.  Call 044-624-172-0129; e-mail:;

puerta vieja-restuarant-caboPuerta Vieja Restaurant
The chef and staff of Puerta Vieja Restaurant await for you with the special menu. Waldorf Salad, Broccoli Cream Soup, Roasted Turkey with stuffing, sweet potatoes, green beans with bacon, cranberry sauce, Pumpkin Pie and  a Glass of Red Wine.  $28.00 USD plus tax and plus service.  Cabo San Lucas, Los Cabos, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Phones:  (624) 104-3334 | (624) 104-3252 | Website:  |  E-mail: | To make your Puerta Vieja Reservations Click Here!

The Container Restaurant and Bar, San Jose del Cabo
Celebrate Thanksgiving at The Container Restaurant & Bar: Organic carrot cream with toasted almonds and crispy croutons with honey ginger. – Turkey roll breast with spinach, artichoke, dry fruits and gorgonzola cheese accompained with mash potatoes and wild cranberry sauce. – Pumpkin custard with cinnamon cream. Price per person 400 pesos. The Container Restaurant Bar Marina Puerto Los Cabos, Las Playitas San Jose Del Cabo, Reservations: (624) 113-08-89.

lacasacountry-logoLa Casa Country

Cabo San Lucas Marina – Thanksgiving Dinner menu includes cream of corn soup, oven roasted turkey with stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes, veggies and cranberry sauce. Pumpkin pie for dessert. Or, you can order from the regular menu.  Starting at 6:00 PM – $26.00 USD per person – Phone: (624) 105-1999

Bar Esquina, Cabo San Lucas
The Bahia Hotel & Beach Club’s on-site restaurant, Bar Esquina, invites guests to enjoy a traditional stuffed turkey as well as a special pumpkin “biscocho” dessert. For more information, go to 

villaserena-logoVilla Serena Restaurant, Cabo San Lucas
Come & celebrate our Thanksgiving Special! Day lunch or dinner with your family or friends. Reservations: 104-3134



The list below shows the restaurants that served Thanksgiving dinner in 2013. These restaurants need to be confirmed and have their prices verifed. Updates will follow when available. Give them a call as well, but confirm price and menus.


De Cortez Mezquite Grill, Tourist Corridor, Cabo San LucasDe Cortez Mezquite Grill
Enjoy our Traditional Thanksgiving Dinner at De Cortez Mezquite Grill, February 28, 2013, at 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm. Price $60.00 USD
Corredor Turístico KM10 Lote D Cabo del Sol, 23410 Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur
Concierge direct: (624) 145-6113 or 145-8000, ext 4087 (after 3pm)
Email: | Website:

don-sanchez-resaurant-2012_r3Don Sanchez Restaurant
in San Jose del Cabo

Don’t Miss Out on one of the Most Unique Thanksgiving Dinners in all of Los Cabos. Only at Don Sanchez Restaurant in San Jose del Cabo.
Contact us Today to RSVP!  – Tadd Chapman < |

Dos Mares Marina Grill & Bar
Have a magical Thanksgivng! – Cabo San Lucas Marina – Ph: (624) 1430582

El Meson Restaurant - Hilton Los CabosEl Meson Restaurant at Hilton Los Cabos Beach & Golf Resort
Yet another awesome Thanksgiving option for those who will be in Los Cabos next week. The Hilton Los Cabos Beach & Golf resort’s El Meson restaurant will have a buffet. Thursday, November 28, 2013, 6:00 pm to 10:30 pm | Adults: $59.00 USD, Children 6 to 12: $29.00 USD, Kids under 5 eat free. Reservations are required. Please call concierge at  +52 624-145-6500, EXT 7108 and 7118 | | E-mail:

Hacienda Cocina y Cantina, Medano Beach, Cabo San Lucas

Thanksgiving Dinner menu items: Creama de Elote – Creamed corn soup, Guajillo oil;  Roasted Turkey Breast – Herb dressing with golden raisons;  Ajillo green beans, Chipolte mashed potatoes or tropical yams, Damiana cannery sauce, tequila gravy. Pumpkin Pie – Traditional pie with whipped cream. Three course dinner – $40 per person, Turkey feature only $27 per person.  Chef has designed a special Mexican-inspired Thanksgiving menu for the evening, complete with many of the traditional ingredients you love to enjoy on Turkey Day. Reservations fill up quickly for this special event, so be sure and book your table today by calling US 415-259-4170 MEX 624-163-3144 or making an online reservation.

Latitude 22 The Roadhouse

Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner with  sausage and mushroom stuffing , THE ROADHOUSE NOON TILL 9;00 RES.143-1516. $170.00 poultry pesos, 25 years of the best turkey dinner in Mexico at any price, we just happen to be the cheapest, and this year we are using real turkeys.  |  Email: | Website:


santitosSantitos Restaurant at Ventanas Residences, Cabo San Lucas, Los Cabos, México
Starting at 6:00 PM – $200.00 pesos per person – Phone: (624) 131-53-60

Wyndham Hotel, Marina Cabo San Lucas
Starting at 6.00 PM – $27.00 USD per person – (624) 173-93-00

Add Your Listing:  If you own a restaurant and are planning to prepare a special Thanksgiving feast, please let us know and send the details and photos to:



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