Cabo San Lucas Tourism - Los Cabos Tourism Board
Cabo San Lucas - Los Cabos - Baja California Sur, Mexico
Cabo San Lucas Tourism, Tourist Information, Tourism Board Office and contact information regarding tourist related issues, comments, complaints and suggestions for Cabo San Lucas and the Los Cabos area of Baja California Sur, Mexico. We have included information for the Los Cabos Tourism Board, Fonatur (Fondo Nacional de Fomento al Turismo), Profeco - (Procuraduría Federal del Consumidor), SECTUR - (Secretaría de Turismo de Mexico) and The Ministry of Tourism, through INFOTUR. We hope this material is helpful.
Los Cabos Convention & Visitors Bureau
Oficina de Convenciones y Visitantes de Los Cabos Sr. Ruben Sanchez, General Director
Lazaro Cardenas Edificio Posada, s/n, Colonia el Medano
Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur, CP 23410 Mexico
Telephone: (624) 143-4777 (from USA and Canada dial 011-52 first)
USA Toll Free: 1-866 LOS CABOS - (866) 567-2226
This phone number is answered by a recorded message asking that callers leave their address for mailing of information on Los Cabos or leave a message if they have a more detailed issue.
To receive a free copy of the Visit Los Cabos Guide call: 1-866 Los Cabos - 866-567-2226
(note: this is not Los Cabos Magazine or Los Cabos Visitor's Guide)
This phone number is answered by a recorded message asking that callers leave their address for mailing of information on Los Cabos or leave a message if they have a more detailed issue.
Los Cabos Tourism Office - Secretaría Municipal de Turismo Director: Lic. Jose Manuel Gonzalez Arreola
If you have comments, complaints, suggestions or need help from our city government,
please let us know.
Location: Blvd. Mauricio Castro s/n, Plaza San José, Locales 3 y 4
San José del Cabo. Baja California Sur, C.P. 23400 México.
La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Km 51/2 Carretera al Norte Edificio Fidepa2
Apartado Postal # 419 CP. 23090
Asociación de Hoteles de Los Cabos
Lic. Alberto Coppel, Presidente
Fonatur - Fondo Nacional de Fomento al Turismo
MISSION - To take part in the consolidation of the countrys sustainable development through the promotion of the nations tourism industry.
VISION - As a federal government agency, to serve as a leading institution in promoting the development of diversified tourism projects that are in keeping with global trends, by relying on a business structure that encourages private investment in projects that spur regional development, thus securing economic and social gains for those regions, by facilitating funding and credit, and by adopting an active and hands-on approach in areas where assured recovery will help lead to self-sufficiency and generate resources, as well as strengthen the institutions role as a financial instrument within the tourism sector.
Fondo Nacional de Fomento al Turismo
Tecoyotitla No. 100, Col. Florida C.P. 01030 México D.F.
Tel.: 50 - 90 - 42 - 00
This page opens to their "About Us" page. Click on "Contact Us" on the left side of the page - At the bottom of the page there is a link to the Comptroller's Office: Complaints and Reports. This form is in Spanish.
Profeco is committed to always provide the best service. We extend our protection to the people who do not live in Mexico and acquire any product or service from a Mexican supplier and are not satisfied with the good or service.
For further information you can contact us at the following numbers:
(52) 55-68-87-22 (phone); (+52) 55 5211-2052 (fax), or E-mail:
SECTUR - Secretaría de Turismo de México
Making tourism a national priority is one of the fundamental axes of the new tourist policy laid down in the National Tourism Program 2001 2006. One of the main purposes of the program is to consolidate the production and dissemination of information to strengthen the sector.
The information is more than important to our tourist work, it is indispensable, and we can use it to provide a solid basis for the decision-making process. We place at your disposal information that we have compiled from a number of recently conducted surveys and research exercises. Additional information will soon be available on our Secretaría de Turismo web site.
I N F O T U R .. It is a privilege to help you .. The Ministry of Tourism, through INFOTUR, part of the Tourist Services Division, provides free information to Mexican and foreign tourists, including co-nationals, about tourist destinations, attractions and services.
You may contact us by telephone, mail and e-mail, or visit our tourist information office, where we will also be happy to assist you in finding lodging.
You may write to us at: MINISTRY OF TOURISM - INFOTUR
Av. Presidente Masaryk 172, ground floor, Chapultepec Morales, Miguel Hidalgo,
Mexico City, México D. F.
Telephone: 30 02 63 00 Ext. 1151.
The Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources
(Secretaría del Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, SEMARNAT)
The Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources (Secretaría del Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, SEMARNAT) is a government agency whose main purpose is to create a State environmental protection policy reversing the tendencies of ecological deterioration and establishing the bases for a sustainable development in the country.
A national environmental protection policy aimed at responding the increasing national expectations of protecting our natural resources and having repercussions on the causes that provoke pollution, loss of ecosystems and biodiversity.
A national policy consistent with the new stage of political welfare which characterizes the country, where the environmental problem arises as an important and priority issue for everybody: the society, the civilians organizations, the companies and the government, who realize about the hazards arising for the lack of care of our environment and the importance of it to preserve and improve the life quality of the Mexican people.
In April 2003 the National System of Information on the Quality of Water at Mexican Beaches was begun, as a combined initiative of the Ministries of the Environment, Health and Tourism, and that of the Mexican Navy. During the year the process of monitoring the quality of sea water was systematized and standardized, in accordance with World Health Organization (WHO) criteria for recreational bathing waters.
Today, the Health Laboratories of each Mexican state carry out the sampling and analysis of sea water in each of the 17 coastal states of Mexico, following guidelines emitted by the Ministry of Health and in coordination with the Ministry itself. The beaches listed on this web page are those which are currently monitored, being those which receive the largest number of visitors. As the monitoring system expands to include other beaches, these will also be added to the list.