standard-title Christian Life Networks

Christian Life Networks
 – Redes

Cabo San Lucas, Los Cabos, Baja California Sur, Mexico

Networks is a church committed, awake, where each received their identity as children of God and from the least to the greatest, exercises the authority that has given us of kings and priests, and to follow in the foot steps of Jesus, to see what we have never seen by the supernatural anointing of the Holy Spirit. 

A Church mature, with character that moves to take their call and responsibility, where we are all part of the that make things happen, through a same feel. A cell church that grows and multiplies, in obedience to the great commission to go and preach the Gospel and make disciples. A people that sets the kingdom of God and conquer the family, education, business, art, politics and the media. A leadership with vocation and clear vision with the ability to innovate and to develop creativity. A Church of impact that leaves a legacy for the next generation.

We are a Civil Association whose purpose is to make known the message, philosophy and thought of Jesus of Nazareth, to establish a personal relationship with God, independent of the religious creed; Study the scriptures as a means to achieve unity in the family, so attacked by alcoholism, drug addiction, pornography, divorce, bad communication and seek personal improvement, through seeking the high moral and spiritual values ​​contained in the Bible.


 Love extravagant
• Prayer and our goals
• By building a generation to God
• Do Christians in crisis?
• Is looking for men of Christian god of fire, what for?
Address: Calle Melchor Ocampo, Ildefonso Green, 23450
Phone: (624) 143-1320

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