archive-title Monthly Archives: March 2018

And what do you know about PROMOCASA?

And what do you know about PROMOCASA? Duara Los Cabos PROMOCASA is the company that backs up the Duara real estate development. PROMOCASA has been creating and innovating real estate developments for over 25 years. Having presence in Mexicali, Tijuana, Rosarito and Los Cabos. What defines PROMOCASA? Innovation In PROMOCASA our main incentive its you, our […]

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Marina Fundadores Honors Don Luis Bulnes Molleda

Marina Fundadores set to unveil the plaque and monument of pioneers in honor to Don Luis Bulnes Molleda The group is expecting the presence of Lic. Carlos Mendoza Davis, Governor of Baja California Sur, Lic. Arturo de la Rosa Escalante, Municipal President of Los Cabos, and Lic. Miguel Alonso Reyes, Director of FONATUR. The event will […]

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